Who and why are the Ruahine Whio Protectors?
The Ruahine Whio Protectors are a bunch of unpaid volunteers who spend a good portion of their spare time in Te Ruahine rebaiting and clearing dead, often putrid rats and mustelids from around 2500 DOC 200 traps. The whio, or blue duck, is nationally endangered. They are only found in New Zealand and it is estimated there are only around 3000 birds in existence making them rarer than kiwi. They are vulnerable to predation from mustelids, hence the Ruahine Whio Protectors existence.
Some of Te Ruahine is reasonably rugged so volunteers often belong to tramping clubs or are hunters, often belonging to the NZDA. The Ruahine Whio Protection Trust was set up to raise money to support the work of these volunteers. Donations to the Trust are always welcome and above $5 are tax deductible. The bank a/c No. is 03-1522-0409211-00
If you wish to help contact the RWP by email [email protected] or contact Janet on 027 3418945
Some of Te Ruahine is reasonably rugged so volunteers often belong to tramping clubs or are hunters, often belonging to the NZDA. The Ruahine Whio Protection Trust was set up to raise money to support the work of these volunteers. Donations to the Trust are always welcome and above $5 are tax deductible. The bank a/c No. is 03-1522-0409211-00
If you wish to help contact the RWP by email [email protected] or contact Janet on 027 3418945
2025 Wild Ruahine Calendar

Due to popular demand, the RWP Trust has produced another calendar. The photos were taken and donated by volunteers with the calendar printed locally. The cost is the same as last year at $20 plus any postage. They are available at Turners Sports in Feilding or by contacting Janet Wilson [email protected]
Un-Limited Edition Supporters Tee Shirts
These high quality T shirts are produced to order by Unco, a bespoke clothing company run by well known and dedicated Ruahine trapper Anthony Behrens and his daughter Ally. To order one, click on the link.
Want to volunteer?
We're always after people who want to help out. Whether it's out in the field rebaiting and emptying traps, or it's from home helping organise - get in touch and we'll find something for you to do.
Phone Janet Wilson: 027 341 8945
or email: [email protected]
Phone Janet Wilson: 027 341 8945
or email: [email protected]